Sunday, April 5, 2009

One more time

So I'm going to try this whole create-a-blog-and-update-it-frequently thing. I've had a rough relationship with blogging in the past so I can't make any promises.

What's on my mind now:

I don't understand the obsession with Twitter. I don't fully understand the concept of the site. Is it really just a constant status update? It just seems like a new social network that makes stalking acceptable.

Don't get me wrong, I take interest in what my friends and family are doing. But do I really need to know whether they 'just got out of the shower' or are 'headed to Publix for the third time today. Forgot the TP!'?

Whatever happened to TMI?

Apparently our society has evolved past leaving some things to the imagination. Between the scandalous photos posted and the hourly updates, people don't really need to communicate face to face. You can simply add a friend, and then follow their every move, learn their every interest and track their every step via internet access.

Forget personal phone calls or a friendly letter in the mail, just check my status. That's how we'll keep in touch.

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