Sunday, April 5, 2009

Make your move

I've always wondered what Texas was like. I always had assumptions that it was where people attended rodeos and rocked cowboy boots with spurs.

Beginning in August, I will discover the truth behind these thoughts. A few days ago I was accepted to City Year San Antonio. For a year, I will be dedicating my time and effort to an organization aimed to make a difference in local communities and schools. I first learned about City Year after being rejected by Teach for America. Funny how life works like that sometimes.

I was attracted to City Year because it involved more than just working in a classroom. I'd also be working in the community. That was intriguing because the community is where the heart is. It's where you get to learn about the little things. You learn where to get the best slice of pizza, where to go for a first date. You meet all types of people--not just the kids. I am excited about mentoring students, don't misread that. But I'm also curious about the rest of the population that inhabits the city. I want to know who to go to if I'm having car trouble, or if my dog needs a playmate. I also want people to know who I am, and that I have something to offer. It's people and the connections you make and experiences you share that make life worthwhile.

Back to San Antonio. I've never been there, I don't know anyone who has, and I don't really know anyone who lives there aside from my soon-to-be buddies with City Year. Although it is a little intimidating, it's extremely exciting. I don't know what to expect, and that's a good thing. There will be challenges and I'm sure sometimes I'll wonder if I made the right decision, but how much would I really learn, or grow if it was easy?

I'll update later once I receive more details about my training, moving date, potential living situations, etc.

Until then, check out this. Looks promising!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I'm so excited for you... And this post helps me understand your choice of San Antonio a little better... At first I was like, whaaat? Why Texas? That's George Bush's state.

But now I see. :-) And BTW, I don't think "right" and "wrong" exist when it comes to making most decisions. As long as you feel like you made a "good" choice, then I don't think you should worry. I'm excited about what the next year holds...

I like the blog, by the way! :-) And look forward to reading more...